Victor Hugo, Poetry: Volume 1: Translated Into EnglishVictor Hugo is best known most for his epic novels Les Miserables and The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. However in his day he was equally famed for his Poetry of which he wrote many volumes. The masterful Hugo loses none of his insightful scope writing on a smaller scale. Indeed, the disciplines and structures of his craft are heightened and the works represent a bold triumph. Readers will be instantly captivated by his words and themes. Portable Poetry is an imprint of Deadtree Publishing bringing the quality selections of poetry from the worlds most accomplished writers to audiobooks and e-book.Dimensions: 15.24 x 0.25 x 22.86 centimetres (0.04 kg)Victor Hugoは、彼の壮大な小説Les MiserablesとNotre DameのHunchbackのために最もよく知られています。
Portable PoetryはDeadtree Publishingの出版物で、世界で最も熟練した作家からの詩の質の高い選択をオーディオブックや電子書籍にもたらします。
寸法:15.24 x 0.25 x 22.86センチメートル(0.04 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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