俳画 関連ツイート
イチイの実花と見紛ううつくしさ --- 照隅燈
@ykarasawa 2018/11/12 10:15
Fruits of Yew are beautiful as if flowers - - - Showgoo10
e俳画@浅草を更新。#e俳画 #電子俳画 #写真俳句
健在だ中学生が育てる林檎 --- 照隅燈
@ykarasawa 2018/11/17 10:33
Apple trees are still alive that junior high school students raise and manage - - - Showgoo10… https://t.co/SCP1Sk9AAB
見事なり満天星躑躅赤く燃え --- 照隅燈
@ykarasawa 2018/11/15 10:04
Burning red autumn leaves of Enkianthus are wonderful - - - Showgoo10
https://t.co/y1qP71L5jX… https://t.co/QRoE3JjjOb